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5 Environmental Documentaries You Need to Watch

My favorite way to learn more about the world around me is by watching documentaries. I recommend these docus to followers all the time, so I thought I would give you a list of my all-time favorite documentaries that will make you want to save the world. Every single one of these documentaries changed my life and completely changed my perspective on our impact on the planet. PLEASE WATCH THESE IM BEGGING

1. Chasing Coral

I love this documentary because all of the information I learned in Chasing Coral I had NO idea was happening. It truly opened my eyes to the problems that are arising in our oceans while also revealing the oceans' majestic beauty throughout the whole film.

2. The True Cost

Who knew fashion has a massive impact on our human health and planet? This is without a doubt the most eye-opening docu I have ever watched. I cannot recommend The True Cost enough.

3. Cowspiracy

This is an amazing film about food and its impact on the environment. Leonardo DiCaprio is the executive producer of this one and it has some amazing points about what individuals can do to make real change.

4. Our Planet

This is my favorite documentary series I have ever watched. In my last semester of college, my roommates and I would get together on Thursday nights to watch an Episode of Our Planet. We spaced it out because we truly didn't want the series to be over! This series has the best cinematography I have ever seen and the series will make you fall in love with the world around you. You'll see some of the most beautiful landscapes and creatures and you will gain a burning desire to protect them.

5. Minimalism

This isn't a documentary about how to get rid of everything you own, The Minimalists simply want you to think about the consumer society we all live in. Are we happy? Are we satisfied? Is your life meaningful? The Minimalists have gained massive popularity in the United States because of the unique lives they live. I would say this documentary is the one that had the most effect on all of my friends. We all want to have a life filled with meaning, but is our desire for stuff getting in the way?

No go forth and watch tv for the sake of the environment :-)